英语人>词典>英汉 : nemathelminth的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

nemathelminth [nemə'θelminθ]



更多网络例句与nemathelminth相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Especially,the diseases which are caused by nemathelminth and exoparasite possess sizable proportion in parasitosis,can cause enormous loss to the animal husbandry,some parasites can infect human or as transmission intermediaries and jeopardize foods security and human health.


Test teaching results of many years proved that comprehensive application,such as field collection,marcket purchase,natural cultivation,simple inoculation and other materials for preparing slides and materials collection methods as well as temporary preservation,dry preservation at room temperature,cryodrying preservation and cryopreservation,could meet the need of slide making of fungus,bacterium,virus,nemathelminth and other typical disease in a long term.


Annexin B1 and arthropod formed an independent branch in the species phylogenetic tree; nemathelminth, plant, Ayes and vertebrate formed a branch; pprotozoa, cnidaria, amphibia and chordate formed another branch.

在物种进化上,Annexln B1和节肢动物为1支,新杆线虫、植物、鸟类和脊椎动物为1支,原虫、腔肠动物、两栖类和脊索动物为1支。

更多网络解释与nemathelminth相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


nemathecium 生殖瘤 | nemathelminth 线虫 | Nemathelminthes 线虫动物门; 线形动物门

nemathelminth:圆虫类 (名)

nelson 纳尔逊 (名) | nemathelminth 圆虫类 (名) | nematocide 杀线虫剂 (名)