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musical notation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

musical notation

更多网络例句与musical notation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China's earliest musical notation software, continues to develop more than a decade.


Before you can practice any rhythms , you've got to pick up on a bit of musical notation.


This work should be seen as part of an ongoing project that explores the role of gesture in musical notation.

Granular Graph 是讨论标记演奏姿势的一个试点,更多的研究仍在进行中。

Do you have any experience to buy a musical notation book because of a single music composition?


This article chats the author to English phonetic or musical notation teaching view and the experience.


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更多网络解释与musical notation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

musical notation:音乐记谱法

在西方文化中,音乐创作是指那些已印刷成乐谱(参阅音乐记谱法(musical notation)条)的出版物或近代的录音复制品. 根据不同的文化水平,或在许多非西方民族中,演奏风格似乎比作品本身更为重要. 例如印度的拉格(raga),演奏家

musical notation:乐谱

musical音乐喜剧 | musical notation乐谱 | orchestra管弦乐队

Chinese Musical Notation:中國樂譜

中樂欣賞 Chinese Music Appreciation | 中國樂譜 Chinese Musical Notation | 中國音律樂調 Chinese Musical Temperament

musical notation musical notation:乐谱

musical notation musical notation 乐谱 | f clef 低音谱号 | slur 连线

My note books and musical notation:如果着火了你一定要抱走的东西是什么

93. 你觉得爱情是什么: Something beautiful. | 94. 如果着火了你一定要抱走的东西是什么: My note books and musical notation. | 95. 你的皮肤白吗: Yes.