英语人>词典>英汉 : mother and son的中文,翻译,解释,例句
mother and son的中文,翻译,解释,例句

mother and son

mother and son的基本解释

娘儿, 母子

更多网络例句与mother and son相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conflict with surrogate mother herein, so quite recommend and make a self–criticism to mother and son, father and son, proposing other judgement standards, in order to accord with originally infertility married couple sought the original purpose to surrogate mother's technology.


Often a mother appears beside him who apparently shows not the slightest concern that her little son should become a man, but who, with tireless and self-immolating effort, neglects nothing that might hinder him from growing up and marrying You behold the secret conspiracy between mother and son, and how each helps the other to betray life.


Over the comparison between two kinds of applicable cases for mother and son sliding block in mold, the advantages of angle eject structure applied in mother and son sliding block is analyzed, so as to solve the application of similar kinds mold mother and son sliding block core.


更多网络解释与mother and son相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

every mother's son:人人

Every miller draws water to his own mill 人人为己 | every mother's son 人人 | every now and then 常常

Bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate:天下每个海盗的厄运

- A truly discomfiting notion, love. - And bad.|- 大海将面临... | Bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate.|天下每个海盗的厄运 | I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these s...

and nate a a blair are exes,|Nate:和Blair以前曾是一对

Chuck's date and blair's date are mother and son,|Chuck和Blair约会的对象居... | and nate a a blair are exes,|Nate和Blair以前曾是一对 | and nate and the mother are in a book club?|Nate和这位母亲Mother在...