英语人>词典>英汉 : mortgage bond的中文,翻译,解释,例句
mortgage bond的中文,翻译,解释,例句

mortgage bond

mortgage bond的基本解释

[经] 抵押债券

更多网络例句与mortgage bond相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Pennsylvania mortgage broker bond is arguably one of the most difficult to place commercial bonds out there.


Chapter four——problems of housing mortgage bond insurance application in law.


The paper focuses on the new development of mortgage bond and mortgage-backed securities recently.


In addition, ICBC mortgage bond holders of corporate debt with a face value 505 million U.S. dollars.


Chapter three——analyzing relationship in law of housing mortgage bond insurance.


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mortgage bond:抵押债券

金融资产的最大特征是能够在市场交易中为其所有者提供即期摘要:抵押债券 (mortgage bond)抵押债券是指债券发行人在发行一笔债券时,通过法律上的适当手续将债券发行人的部分财产作为抵押,一旦债券发行人出现偿债困难,则出卖这部分财产以清偿债务.

mortgage bond:抵押单

mortar 研钵砂浆 | mortgage bond 抵押单 | Mortgage Contract 抵押合同

mortgage bond:抵押债券 mortgage bond 抵押债券

2533 1 mortgage 抵押 mortgage 抵押 | 2534 1 mortgage bond 抵押债券 mortgage bond 抵押债券 | 2535 1 mortgagee 受押人 mortgagee 受押人

general mortgage bond:普通抵押债券

1812general mortgage 普通抵押 | 1813general mortgage bond 普通抵押债券 | 1814general partner 普通合伙人

general mortgage bond:普通抵押债券 general mortgage bond 普通抵押债券

1812 1 general mortgage 普通抵押 general mortgage 普通抵押 | 1813 1 general mortgage bond 普通抵押债券 general mortgage bond 普通抵押债券 | 1814 1 general partner 普通合伙人 general partner 普通合伙...

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