英语人>词典>英汉 : mis-stop的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Conducting quantitative safety assessment for SIS can discover whether there is safety weakness and mis-stop phenomena. This method is helpful to improve the level of work safety in petrochemical industry. The concept of lifecycle management of safety function and good engineering practices mentioned in these standards are also beneficial for the development of our petrochemical industry.


Aiming at the general problems of function safety in chemical industry, the author introduces function safety assessment standards IEC61508 and IEC61511 established by IEC (International Electric Committee), describes their background, objectives, system structure, and how to use these standards to quantitatively analyze the safety and automatic mis-stop of Safety Instrumented System in petrochemical industry.

针对石化行业普遍存在的功能安全问题,笔者以国际电工学会专门制定的功能安全评定标准IEC61508及IEC61511为指导,介绍其标准制定的背景、目的、体系结构以及如何利用标准开展石化行业安全联锁系统(Safety Instrumented System, SIS)的安全与误跳车定量分析。

更多网络解释与mis-stop相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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