英语人>词典>英汉 : memorial meeting的中文,翻译,解释,例句
memorial meeting的中文,翻译,解释,例句

memorial meeting

memorial meeting的基本解释


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The announcement of his memorial meeting said he was a martyr of society. Mao Zedong said that "an useful man died for indignation". President Sun Zhongshan spoke in praise of his eager ambition for serving the country. President's secretary insisted that he was not "world-weary" but "salvation". Academia's discussion took it for granted that his character was cleanly and faithful, and spoke highly of his remonstrant spirit against bad customs as "three don't" and the significance of caution for people who was pursuing the idea society because of his devoting life.


Matson Memorial Award in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of transportation engineering; the 1995 Pyke Johnson Award of the Transportation Research Board for best paper in planning and administration delivered at the TRB Annual Meeting; and the 1988 Harland Bartholomew Award of the American Society of Civil Engineers for contribution to the enhancement of the role of the civil engineer in urban planning and development.

Matson Memorial,该奖授予那些在交通工程领域做出杰出贡献者;1995年Johnson Award,授予美国运输研究年度大会最佳论文获得者;1988年Harland Bartholomew Award,由美国土木工程协会授予在城市规划和发展中为凸显土木工程作用而做出杰出贡献者。

The memorial meeting held on Friday climaxed a series of memorial activities in honour of this great person.


更多网络解释与memorial meeting相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mass meeting of public trial:公审大会

mass meeting 群众大[集]会 | mass meeting of public trial 公审大会 | memorial meeting 追悼会

memorial park:陵园

memorial meeting追悼会 | memorial park陵园 | memorial service(宗)追思礼拜

memorial meeting:追悼会

追悼会(memorial meeting) 为悼念死者而召开的会议 有些在死者遗体所在地举行,有些在殡仪馆或火葬地举行...追悼会场布置应当肃穆、庄严;追悼会开始后一般奏哀乐;治丧机构负责人或代表致悼词、来宾发言;瞻仰死者遗体;...遗体告别时,