英语人>词典>英汉 : mantle cavity的中文,翻译,解释,例句
mantle cavity的中文,翻译,解释,例句

mantle cavity

mantle cavity的基本解释


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The mantle cavity is lateral and in most bivalves, the gills have a respiratory and digestive function.


Found in West Indies; lives in mantle cavity of a living ''.


Often in the foot or mantle visceral mass, the formation of a cavity connected with the outside world, known as the "mantle cavity."


Found in West Indies; lives in mantle cavity of a living conch.


The crab lives in mantle cavity of a living conch.


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更多网络解释与mantle cavity相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mantle cavity:套腔

外套膜与内脏团之间形成的腔称外套腔(mantle cavity). 腔内常有鳃、足以及肛门、肾孔、生植孔等开口于外套腔. 外套膜由内外两层上皮构成,外层上皮的分泌物,能形成贝壳,内层上皮细胞具纤毛,纤毛摆动,造成水流,使水循环于外套腔内,

mantle cavity:套膜腔

以图五中的鱿鱼为例,其外套膜腔(mantle cavity)中充满海水,能保持一定的压力支持体壁. 外套膜腔以一漏斗形的开口(funnel)与外界相通,此一开口位於头的下方. 当鱿鱼游泳时,外套膜肌肉收缩,将腔室内的海水迅速经由开口排出,形成喷射的推进力,

mantle cavity:外套腔

身体后端、足的上方与内脏囊之间出现了一个空腔,即为外套腔(mantle cavity),它与外界相通. 外套腔中有许多对行呼吸作用的鳃,以及后肾、肛门、生殖孔的开口. 原软体动物鳃的结构可能相似于现存腹足类的鳃,它是由一个长的鳃轴向两侧交替伸出三角形的鳃丝所组成,

mantle cavity:套腔;外套腔

mantle 套膜 | mantle cavity 套腔;外套腔 | mantle lobe 套叶

brachial cavity; mantle cavity:外套腔;套膜腔

\\"肱动脉\\",\\"brachial artery\\" | \\"外套腔;套膜腔\\",\\"brachial cavity; mantle cavity\\" | \\"鳃腺\\",\\"brachial gland\\"

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