英语人>词典>英汉 : make inroads on的中文,翻译,解释,例句
make inroads on的中文,翻译,解释,例句

make inroads on

make inroads on的基本解释

侵袭, 侵入, 侵害

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He might not be aware of the inroads on domestic peace to be occasioned by no housekeeper's room, or a bad butler's pantry, but no doubt he did perfectly feel that enscombe could not make him happy, and that whenever he were attached, he would willingly give up much of wealth to be allowed an early establishment.


Christianity has always wanted to make inroads into Tibet. The earliest attempt was in 1624, when several Portuguese missionaries set out from Goa, and they went first to what is now Zhada County in the Ngari region. They obtained support from the Guge King, established a church, baptized members of the royal court and took some followers, but because the lamas strongly opposed it, and even sent the Ladwags army to capture the royal court, the missionaries had to give up on their plans of developing Christianity as a major religion there. Afterwards, there were many missionaries who entered Tibet to proselytize, but virtually none of them were successful.


The Russian-dominated Polish government ha:(een encouraged to make enormous and wrongful inroads upon Germany, and mass expulsions of millions of Germans on a scale grievous and undreamed-of are now taking place.


更多网络解释与make inroads on相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

make inroads into:侵袭, 侵入

make in 向...进入, 干涉别人. | make inroads into 侵袭, 侵入. | make inroads on 侵袭, 侵入.

make inroads on:侵袭, 侵入

make inroads into 侵袭, 侵入. | make inroads on 侵袭, 侵入. | make inroads upon 侵袭, 侵入.

make inroads on crop:侵害农作物

make impulse ==> 接通电流脉冲,闭路脉冲 | make inroads on crop ==> 侵害农作物 | make its goods more competitive ==> 增强产品的竞争能力