英语人>词典>英汉 : lovegrass的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与lovegrass相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The color of weeping lovegrass, red fescue and crested dogtail is also better, But crested dogtail prefer more fertilizer.


The main results are summarized as follows: The dynamics of coverage shows that: the coverage of fountain grass, crested dogtail and kikuyugrass are the highest all the time, the coverage of common berrmudagrass and weeping lovegrass are higher after three months from seeding.


According to the site condition and biological characteristics, Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass and weeping lovegrass were chosen to hydroseed 8 different type turf in south slopes of red soil in Shenzhen. The turfgrass seeds were sowed singly or mixedly according to different species and ratios. The ecological, social and economical effectiveness of the turf was studied systematically, and AHP structure model was used to assess different turfs.


The results showed that the relative water content and water potential in Curvedleaf Indian Lovegrass were declined sharply, cell membrane was harmed badly, which was sensitive to water stress.


The effect of drought stress on water state, relative electric conductance rate, osmotic regulation matter and protective enzyme activity in Curvedleaf Indian Lovegrass, Selloa Pampasgrass and Chinese Pennisetum were studied with pot control water method.


更多网络解释与lovegrass相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lovegrass; Eragrostis spp:垂爱草

虱 louse | 垂爱草 lovegrass; Eragrostis spp. | 低密度脂蛋白 low density lipoprotein; LDL

weeping lovegrass;Eragrostis curvula:垂爱草

\\"渗出;渗出液\\",\\"weeping\\" | \\"垂爱草\\",\\"weeping lovegrass;Eragrostis curvula\\" | \\"秤料箱\\",\\"weigh buggy\\"

Eragrostis curvula; weeping lovegrass:垂爱草

除草机;去毛器 eradicator | 垂爱草 Eragrostis curvula; weeping lovegrass | 刮刀 eraser