英语人>词典>英汉 : loping的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

loping ['ləupiŋ]


[变形] lope的现在分词


[化] 脉动(泵送石油产品时)

更多网络例句与loping相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your stride length is enormous, and it gives you this animalistic, loping gait, since you're always on your tiptoes.


In another respect, the circumstance of privacy proves chafe. There are profound causes for the Cleve loping of privacy; it is a long process to achieve powerful protection for privacy.


You can start with or without fins, but you'll quickly realize loping is very leg dependent.


A young man and woman approached with the long loping gaits of people who had spent much time in microgravity.


In the last few years , the general economic situation in the deve , loping countries has got worse


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Loping series:乐平统(晚二叠纪)

勒兰肯布尔格层 Blankenburg Schich | 乐平统(晚二叠纪) Loping series | 乐氏珊瑚 Yohophyllum

Loping series:乐平统(晚二迭纪)

顶柱珊瑚 Lophophyllidium | 乐平统(晚二迭纪) Loping series | 岩盆 lopolith

Loping series:乐平统{上二叠纪}

"顶柱珊瑚","Lophophyllidium" | "乐平统{上二叠纪}","Loping series" | "岩盆","lopolith"

Loping coal, lopite:乐平煤

勒辛型铀矿床||Rossing-type uranium deposit | 乐平煤||Loping coal, lopite | 乐平组||Leping Formation, Loping Formation

A bicycle, loping along:腳踏車,邁著大步

At eight to ride 教你骑 | A bicycle, loping along 脚踏车,迈着大步 | Beside you在你身旁

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