英语人>词典>英汉 : long long ago的中文,翻译,解释,例句
long long ago的中文,翻译,解释,例句

long long ago

long long ago的基本解释


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This happened a long time ago, a very long time ago, and people have different ideas about what musical instrument the woman played. Was it something like an oud or a guitar, to be plucked and strummed? Was it more like a violin or a haegum, played with a bow? In some places they say that what she played was the very first zhonghu, the very first harp, the very first dulcimer.


This happened a long time ago, a very long time ago, and people havedifferent ideas about what musical instrument the woman played. Wasit something like an oud or a guitar, to be plucked and strummed? Was it more like a violin or a haegum, played with a bow? In some places they say that what she played was the very first zhonghu, the very first harp, the very first dulcimer.


You by more eloquent lips have been praised,Long, long ago, long, long ago


更多网络解释与long long ago相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

long long ago:很久以前

在很久很久以前(long long ago )网络上就出现了一批专门注册那些短的、有意义的单词或者全拼等的一切他们认为有投资价值的域名,再高价在网上叫卖或者炒作或者有人需要而最终高价卖出而从中获利,随着网络上热炒的那个那个域名卖了几十万几百万多少多少万等,

long long ago:很久很久以前

很久很久以前(Long Long Ago),有一篇日志记载了本人当年去美国(Far Far Away)的传奇,最后结尾好像还留下了"待续"的金字. 之所以用"好像",完全是因为这一待就是很多年,要不是本人在中间结了个婚,估计各位都以为我太监了.

long long ago:往事难忘

SOUND EFFECTS 效果音色 | 18 Long ,Long Ago 往事难忘 | 19 The Entertainer 娱乐者