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likelihood method的中文,翻译,解释,例句

likelihood method

likelihood method的基本解释


更多网络例句与likelihood method相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The proposed method is based on a higher order likelihood-based asymptotic procedure. The merits of the proposed method are numerically compared with the signed log-likelihood ratio statistic and the simple t-test method with respect to their expected lengths, coverage probabilities and type I errors.

我们所利用的方法是以概似函数为基础的高阶近似方法,并且我们利用模拟的方法去跟signed log-likelihood ratio及 simple t-test 两种方法比较所建构出的信赖区间的覆盖机率和平均宽度以及所对应检定的型I错误来检视我们所利用方法的优劣。

In consideration of endogeneity problems, we use the trivariate probit model which estimate three equations- employment, liver disease and drinking . Finally we used WESML (weighted exogeneous sampling maximum likelihood) method to correct the bias caused by choosing specific sample.

其中,我们考量了肝病与饮酒习惯分别对於就业的内生性问题,并且在trivariate probit模型中使用工具变数来得到一致性的估计结果,最后,我们利用WESML (weighted exogeneous sampling maximum likelihood)的估计方式来修正因为选取某特定样本,所造成估计结果缺乏代表性的问题。

In order to study the effect of using maximum likelihood method on parameter identification of supermini rotating aerial vehicle, recursive maximum likelihood method was used to identify parameters of the models control function of remotepiloted controlling for unmanned aerial vehicle,and the maximum likelihood identification was introduced.


更多网络解释与likelihood method相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maximum likelihood method:最大似然法

最常用的分支分析法有简约法(parsimony method)、邻接法(neighbor-joining distance method)、最大似然法(maximum likelihood method)等. 赵国平等[25]测定中日当归属21份材料药用植物的ITS区序列,经Phylip软件分析,建立系统发育树,

Maximum likelihood method:最大相似法

maximum likelihood estimator 最大似然估计值 | maximum likelihood method 最大相似法 | maximum pointer 最大值指示器峰值指示器

modified maximum likelihood method:改进最大似然法

改进的随机步行法:modified stochastic walk method | 改进最大似然法:modified maximum likelihood method | 改进型流体网格法:Modified fluid-in-cell method