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laws and regulations的中文,翻译,解释,例句

laws and regulations

laws and regulations的基本解释

法规, 金科玉律

更多网络例句与laws and regulations相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I Board of the implementation of administrative permission main property sectors Department, Building, Housing Reform Office, the Office of the market, such as business offices for removing Initial screening, I Board responsible for drafting the current effective local laws and regulations, government regulations, government regulatory documents and Council normative documents of a total of 90, set administrative permit 15 pieces, including one of local laws and regulations, government regulations seven pieces, the government regulatory documents four pieces Council normative documents three cases.


Article 6 To obtain a work safety license, an enterprise shall satisfy the following work safety conditions:(1)Having established and improved the responsibility system for work safety,and formulated a whole set of work safety regulations and operating rules;(2)Its investment In safety Is up to work safety requirements;(3)Having set up administrative entities for work safety and installed full-time work safety administrative personnel;(4)The major person-in—charge and work safety administrative personnel have passed the appraisal;(5)The special personnel have passed the appraisal conducted by the competent authority, and have obtained qualification certificates for special operations;(6)The workers have gone through work safety education and training;(7)Having workers insured against work—related injuries in accordance with the law and having paid insurance premiums in this regard;(8)Its premises,worksites,safety facilities,equipment and technology are up to the requirements of the relevant work safety laws,regulations,standards and rules;(9)Having preventive measures against occupation hazards and providing workers with labor protection articles which are up to the national standards or standards of the industrial sector concerned;(10)Having conducted safety evaluation in accordance with the law;(11)Having measures for the testing,assessment and monitoring of sources of grave danger, as well as emergency plans thereabout;(12)Having emergency rescue plans for work accidents,and entities or personnel specialized in emergency rescue.and having necessary emergency rescue materials and equipment; and (13)Satisfying other conditions as provided by laws and regulations.

第六条 企业取得安全生产许可证,应当具备下列安全生产条件:建立,健全安全生产责任制,制定完备的安全生产规章制度和操作规程;设置安全生产管理机构,配备专职安全生产管理人员;主要负责人和安全生产管理人员经考核合格;主要负责人和安全生产管理人员经考核合格;特种作业人员经有关业务主管部门考核合格,取得特种作业操作资格证书;从业人员经安全生产教育和培训合格;依法参加工伤保险,为从业人员缴纳保险费;厂房,作业场所和安全设施,设备,工艺符合有关安全生产法律,法规,标准和规程的要求;有职业危害防治措施,并为从业人员配备符合国家标准或者行业标准的劳动防护用品;依法进行安全评价;有重大危险源检测,评估,监控措施和应急预案;有生产安全事故应急救援预案,应急救援组织或者应急救援人员,配备必要的应急救援器材,设备;法律,法规规定的其他条件。

Statistically, Chinese economy is very fascinating, and becoming more and more fascinating. But we should acknowledge that China is a weird double-edged compound: The robustest buying power on luxuries while a fast growing economy without strong domestic demand; a country establishing laws and regulations frequently while its legal system badly needed to be improved; the biggest nation with highly centralized political power while local protection and rules are still rampant. The distinction between different places in this country would be no less than that between USA and Sudan.

A post titled &Rising of Giant Power, Blind Men and Elephant&不错,中国的经济数据很漂亮,而且越来越漂亮,但大家不能不看到,中国是一个奇怪的复合两面体:既是奢侈品消费力最高的国度之一,又是少有的内需市场十年几无起色的经济快速增长国家;既是近年来法律法规出炉最多的国家,又是公认的法制建设亟待完善的国家;既是最大的高度中央集权单一制国家,又是地方保护主义猖獗、土政策土法规多如牛毛的国家。

更多网络解释与laws and regulations相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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