英语人>词典>英汉 : lamb of god的中文,翻译,解释,例句
lamb of god的中文,翻译,解释,例句

lamb of god

lamb of god的基本解释


Lamb of God
更多网络例句与lamb of god相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abel must have heard his father Adam speaks of God''s way to bring an offering. He brought a Iamb which in God''s sight was a substitute pointing forward to Christ, the Lamb of God.


In the paschal lamb God desired them to behold the Lamb of God, and through the symbol receive Him who gave Himself for the life of the world.


If you are unable to participate the Meet And Greet, you can show your unmark ticket after the concert, Rock Empire will provide a Lamb Of God limited band bag for compensation.

若因故无法参加合影之VIP观众,可於会后出示您未盖章做记的VIP区门票,本公司将会赠送 Lamb Of God 纪念背包一个以资补偿。

更多网络解释与lamb of god相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lamb of God:上帝的羔羊

在西南太平洋岛群上的美拉尼西亚人认为猪是宠物,羊则榜上无名或为卑弃之物,乃用"上帝的小猪"(Little Pig of God)来取代"上帝的羔羊"(Lamb of God). 爱斯基摩人则译成"上帝的海豹"(Seal of god),这在奈达看来是无法接受的. 无独有偶,

The lamb of God:(宗)神的羔羊,耶稣基督

23.Like a lamb 驯服地,天真烂漫地 | 24.The lamb of God(宗)神的羔羊,耶稣基督 | 26.As innocent as a lamb名胜羔羊一样天真无邪

The lamb of God:耶稣

lamb:温柔,温和 | the lamb of God:耶稣 | As good be hang'd for an old sheep as a young lamb:一不做二不休