英语人>词典>英汉 : know how的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
know how的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

know how

know how的基本解释

懂得如何做, 能, 专门知识, 技术诀窍

更多网络例句与know how相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study was to explore four types of technological knowledge, Know-what,, Know-why, Know-how, and Know-who, functions in technology innovation process.


During the next 10 minutes, I didn't know how Angie got along with it. What I did know is that Julie was speaking the same "how are you" every 5 seconds there, getting a bit overexcited.

后来的十分钟里,我不知道Angie是怎么度过的,只知道妞妞对着电话以平均每5秒钟一次的频率说了无数次的'how are you

After the data are accumulated by a long period, they inevitably contain some valuable nformation and knowledge that refect the rules and patterns in the enterprise production and management. These data ccumulated year by year are the assets of an enterprise. It is very important to exploit the data and mine out those valuable information and rules to form the "Know-how" of an enterprise.

这些成年累月堆积如山的数据形成了一个企业的巨大宝藏,如何对其进行有针对性地开发,挖掘出有价值的信息和规律,形成企业的 know-how ,指导企业的技术决策和经营决策,对于企业的发展,将发挥举足轻重的作用。

更多网络解释与know how相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Know when to come out of the sun. - I don't know how it happened:知道什么时候由阳光产生吗 - 我不知道怎么弄的

People got memory problems these days. It must be... | - Know when to come out of the sun. - I don't know how it happened.|- 知道什么时候由阳光产生吗 - 我不知道怎么弄的 | What's my job? I'm just a hold...

technical know-how:技术知识; 技术秘密; 工艺技术

processing know-how (工艺)操作秘诀; (工艺)操作秘方 | technical know-how 技术知识; 技术秘密; 工艺技术 | leasehold n.租赁, 租约; 租赁权, 租赁期 a.租来的

processing know-how:(工艺)操作秘诀; (工艺)操作秘方

invoice n.发票 | processing know-how (工艺)操作秘诀; (工艺)操作秘方 | technical know-how 技术知识; 技术秘密; 工艺技术