英语人>词典>英汉 : interlacement的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

interlacement [,intə'leismənt]


交织, 交错

更多网络例句与interlacement相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article will expatiate in three trends including tight interlacement between things of children and experience of adults, the new elucidation of fairy tales and influences of childhood experience to her inditement.


The great background of the development of landslide in researching area is caused by special structure section, complicated and frail geological surroundings, special geography as well as the intense interlacement and transformation of lithosphere s inner and outer power.


Telecommunication and computer science are deeply changing human society. They are altering our cities, influencing urban life patterns, spatial functions, spatial forms and spatial structures. Both geographical space and virtual space act as carriers of economic, cultural and social activities of urban residents. Therefore, we have to do research on their relationship of coincidence, interaction and interlacement.


With Smart Gif Creator you can easily define settings like: Screen size, Background, Number of loops, Offset, Transparency, Interlacement, Delay, Title for each separate image.

使用 Smart Gif Creator 你可以简单地定义如下设置:屏幕尺寸,背景,循环次数,离线设置,透明度,交错扫描,延迟以及为每个文件设置标题。

It consists of skills of deviating from the key and modulation,skills of a chord interlacement,and expending and appreciation about function of the chord subordinate,and skills of chord outer tone and harmony semitone.


加载更多网络例句 (4)
更多网络解释与interlacement相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


interiorforce内力 | interlacement交错 | interlacing交错