英语人>词典>英汉 : insurrectionist的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



起义者, 造反者

更多网络例句与insurrectionist相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Danny insurrectionist rattling wants a robot. He wants it to achievement same him and speech same him.

Danny Wallace真的很想要这样一位机器人——要像他,还要能和他交流。

The decline started before George W. Bush and his criminal co-conspirators accelerated it with their blatant disregard for the rule of law and our Constitution. It will continue, even with a Democratic administration, unless we reform our political system. We must remind Americans that our nation was born in an insurrectionist, populist rebellion against political tyranny and that 9/11 teaches us that we need a Second American Revolution. We must destroy the domestic Axis of Arrogance of our plutocracy more than fear a foreign Axis of Evil.

跌幅开始前,布什和他的刑事合作,共谋加快了它与他们公然无视法治与我们的宪法,它将会持续下去,即使是一个民主的政府,除非我们的改革我们的政治制度,我们必须提醒美国人我们的民族出生在一个insurrectionist ,民粹主义反抗暴政的政治和9 / 11教导我们,我们需要第二次美国革命,我们必须摧毁国内轴线的嚣张气焰,我们plutocracy多於害怕外国邪恶轴心。

American insurrectionist. A freed slave in South Carolina, he was implicated in the planning of a large uprising of slaves and was hanged. The event led to more stringent slave codes in many Southern states.


Just as the luminous blue numbers hit 00:57:16, the planes crested a line of crumbling hills, and Avery and the other marines got their first line-of-sight view of their objective: one of Tribute's struggling industrial settlements; and, somewhere inside the town, a suspected Insurrectionist bomb-shop.


The one Insurrectionist who dared took a three-round burst from Avery's silenced submachine gun and flopped back onto a steel worktable, arms outstretched and twitching.


更多网络解释与insurrectionist相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


insurrectionary 起义者 | insurrectionist 起义者 | insusceptibility 无感觉


destroy 破坏, 毁坏, 消灭 | insurrectionist 起义者,***者 | rebeldom [总称]起义者, 叛乱者,叛区


Inscription (币上的)文字或缩写字. | Insurrectionist 起义者,造反者. | Intercourse 交流,交往.


surrectionist 使复活者,使复兴者,相信复活的人 | insurrectionist起义者,造反者,暴动者 | vivisectionist 活体解剖者,活体解剖论者

Dee insurrectionist ... Karenic White:主 演 迪.沃伦斯

◎导 演 乔.丹特 Joe Dante | ◎主 演 迪.沃伦斯 Dee insurrectionist ... Karenic White | 帕特里克.迈克尼 Apostle Macnee ... Dr. martyr Waggner