英语人>词典>英汉 : initial charge的中文,翻译,解释,例句
initial charge的中文,翻译,解释,例句

initial charge

initial charge的基本解释

[经] 首期费用

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Our initial charge was well done and we soon had 4 balls.


Free of charge at the initial stage to establish visitors and customers base


Its initial charge/discharge capacities are 131 and 125 mA·h/g, respectively, and its cycling capacity retention is 84% at the 90th cycle.

其在25 ℃和0.4 C 倍率下的首次充放电容量分别为131和125 mA·h/g, 90次循环的容量保持率为84%。

We will be guaranteeing a fixed amount of translation work over the next 6 to 9 months for those who are prepared well enough to take the challenge of this initial tester piece free of charge.


Specification indicated based on initial full battery charge tested in laboratories with Bluetooth switched off.


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更多网络解释与initial charge相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

initial charge:初充电

蓄电池组自被安装妥当,完成初充电(Initial Charge)及放电试验再 充电后,即被加入直流供电系统使用. 然而铅酸蓄电池经过一段时间使用以后, 电池检测仪/蓄电池在线内阻监测装置/蓄电池内阻在线监控管理系统,常易因活性有效物质的脱落变坏,

initial charge:起始电荷

in-house 自身的,内部的 | initial charge 起始电荷 | initial data 原始数据

initial charge:初始进料, 首次加料

sorted scrap 经过分类的废料 | initial charge 初始进料, 首次加料 | conjugated electrochemical reactions 共轭电化学反应

initial charge:首次充电

initial boiling point 初镏点 | initial charge 首次充电 | initial condition 初条件

initial charge of fuel:燃料初期装填

初期细胞 initial cell | 燃料初期装填 initial charge of fuel | 分裂碎片初期装填 initial charges of fission fragments

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