英语人>词典>英汉 : induc的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



inductance 电感, induction 电感, 引导

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The college physics teaching materials have only studied a little magnetic induc tion on the axis of the roun d electric current,have not provided the formula of calculating to the magnetic induction that the round on e is inside a bit more wanton, after Biot-Savart law of trees formula can draw w anton magnetic induction expression formula of intensity a bit inside the round electric current.

大学物理教材中只研究了圆形电流轴线上一点的磁感应强度 B ,而对圆面内任意一点的磁感应强度 B却未给出计算公式。本文运用毕奥—萨伐尔定律及西普森公式,计算出了圆形电流面内任意一点磁感应强度的表达

With a rational dynamic model established on basis of the structural features and constraining conditions of the annular plate installation and through Duhamel's integral solution of Lagrange motion equation,the impact load and dynamic response of surface casing cementing unit induc.


Undergoing elective surgery were randomly divided intothree groups acˉcording to the method of the induction of general anesthesia,i.e GroupⅠ(n=13):intravenous induction:midazolam0.03mg/kg,fentanyl3μg/kg ,etomidate0.3mg/kg,vecuronium1mg and succinylcholine1.5mg/kg;GroupⅡ(n=13):orolaryngeal lignocaine spray combined with intravenous induction,lignocaine administered just before the inducˉtion of anesthesia;GroupⅢ(n=13):epidural block combined with general anesthesia,2%lignocaine3ml adminˉistered via epidural catheter before the induction.

组Ⅰ为单纯经静脉全麻诱导组,麻醉用药为咪唑安定0.03mg/kg、芬太尼3μg/kg 、依托咪酯0.3mg/kg、维库溴铵1mg和琥珀胆碱1.5mg/kg;组Ⅱ为诱导即刻咽喉部喷雾表麻加经静脉全麻诱导组;组Ⅲ为硬膜外阻滞加经静脉全麻诱导组。

更多网络解释与induc相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Indosinides 印支构造带 | indraft 引入;吸入物;吸风;内流 | induc 感应


妊娠期间脊髓和硬膜外麻醉诱发的头痛 Spinl and epidural anaesth-induc headache during preg | 螺菌病 Spirillosis | 未特指的螺旋体感染 Spirochaetal infection unspecified

Nephropathy induc by other drugs meds and biolog subs:其他药物、生物制品引起的肾病变

肾性尿崩症[肾源性无味糖尿病] Nephrogenic diabetes insipidu... | 其他药物、生物制品引起的肾病变 Nephropathy induc by other drugs meds and biolog subs | 重金属诱发肾病变 Nephropathy induced by heavy metal...