英语人>词典>英汉 : homologoumena的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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He made a distinction between the "homologoumena"– those confessed, agreed upon, and the "antilegomena"– those disputed, spoke against.


Eusebius includes Philemon among the homologoumena, or books universally undisputed and received as sacred.

尤西比乌斯包括利蒙之间的homologoumena ,或书籍普遍不争的和收到的神圣。

Eusebius, with his complete knowledge of early Christian literature, states that they were among the books universally recognized in the Church ta para pasin homologoumena Hist.

优西比乌,他的全部知识的早期基督教文学,国家,他们之间的图书普遍承认的教会大段pasin homologoumena

The two Epistles to the Thessalonians are included among the canonical books accepted by the Councils of the Vatican, of Trent, and of Florence, and are among the homologoumena of all early lists of canonical New-Testament Scriptures; for instance, to mention only such early lists as accord with the received canon of Trent, these two Epistles are listed in the Muratorian Fragment (AD 195-205), in the canons of St.

双方的撒罗书信中有规范的图书接受安理会的梵蒂冈的特伦特和佛罗伦萨,并在所有早期homologoumena名单规范新旧约圣经,例如,只提及诸如早期名单符合收到佳能的遄达,这两个书信中列出穆拉多利片段(公元195-205 ),在大炮的圣亚他那修亚历山大(公元373 ),第三次理事会迦太基(公元397 ),其中参加了圣奥古斯丁,圣埃皮法尼乌斯(公元403 ),我的清白(公元405 ),和格拉西(公元492 )。

更多网络解释与homologoumena相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Homoiousios (本体类似) | Homologoumena (无争议之新约经典) | Homoousios (本体相同)