英语人>词典>英汉 : homicide case的中文,翻译,解释,例句
homicide case的中文,翻译,解释,例句

homicide case

homicide case的基本解释


更多网络例句与homicide case相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the folk tale, three suspects had been brought to justice about a homicide case.


Tom is also a goodness, has a sense of justice very much the human, he and Harker has no intention to see with one's own eyes a homicide case in the cemetery, the old baud shifts blame the murder by Qiao.


Seventh lens one: Kneels in ground kowtows, close view side lens two: In frontage scenery my name am George, the American, is a judge, is good, case's approximate situation is this, occupies the gentleman is a veteran, is also the war hero, Hasan is the Arabic nationality American, his occupation is the painter, Xindi is a prostitute, Hasan, because looks down upon is the prostitute Xindi, thought that her occupation is very dirty, thought she is the criminal who has no merit to speak, therefore wants to kill her, but passes by in the implementation murder's process occupies the gentleman to discover, in afterward two person of conflicts, occupied the gentleman to let slip assassinatesHasan, this homicide case's process probably is this.

第七场 镜头一:跪在地上磕头,近景侧面镜头二:正面中景我叫乔治,美国人,是一名法官,好的,案件的大致情况是这样的,占士是一名退役军人,也是战争英雄,哈桑是阿拉伯籍美国人,他的职业是画家,辛迪是一名妓女,哈桑因为看不起做妓女的辛迪,觉得她的职业很肮脏,认为她是个一无是处的罪人,所以就想杀死她,但在实施杀人的过程中被路过的占士发现,在后来两人的冲突中,占士失手刺死了哈桑,这件命案的过程大概就是这样的。

更多网络解释与homicide case相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


You and I are going to work the head case.|你和我去调查 这件砍头凶杀案 | Goody.|好的 | Nick, another homicide.|尼克 还有另一起凶杀案

holier-than-thou shtick:假仁假义的噱头

homicide case 命案 | holier-than-thou shtick 假仁假义的噱头 | Elliot Ness 正义警察

PR snafu:公共危机

get cited for contempt 因藐视法庭被传讯 | PR snafu 公共危机 | homicide case 命案