英语人>词典>英汉 : hocusing的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] hocus的现在分词


欺骗, 麻醉

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The Chinese communist party's misguiding ability has long been famous all over the world, for instance, in the national junior high school's politics class, all text books tell students that nowadays loving China is loving socialism, and it goes without say the Chinese government is hocusing the Chinese young generations in order to achieve both political and economical aims.


Staring at all the creatures in front of your eyes and our lives, all that we have done, wearing clean and tidy clothes, covering up smells of ourselves' bodies, paying for ourselves' sexuality, hocusing ourselves with alcohol, living in large houses, driving cars with high exhaust, even preparing for migrating to the outer space, is to distinguish ourselves with animals at our best.
