英语人>词典>英汉 : high noon的中文,翻译,解释,例句
high noon的中文,翻译,解释,例句

high noon

high noon的基本解释


high noon所属的单词分类
Time / 时间 [145]

pendulum clock · geologic time · galactic year · analog clock · Zulu time · UTC · IDL · Coordinated Universal Time · pocket watch · clock face

更多网络例句与high noon相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He wrote this book at the high noon of his career.


The first time I came into the world, I was welcomed by the sunshine of high noon.


The first time I come into the world, I was welcomed by the sunshine of high noon.


There is a sense of joy because it's high noon in our politics, but it's midnight in our economy.


Today, I say the real thing at the high tide just before noon.


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更多网络解释与high noon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High Noon:《正午>

二十七、>(High Noon)1952年电影简介:本片是影史上的经典西部片之一,描写一名小镇警长在无法寻得助手之下,双身对抗四个前来报仇的恶徒. 银幕英雄贾利古柏又一次以精湛的演技征服观众,并继1941年[约克军曹]后,二度荣膺奥斯卡影帝.

High Noon:日正當中

这样子看来,小个子卓别林还是获得了最后的胜利九、>(Sinin' in the Rain, 1952) 提名电影:>、>(High Noon)、>、> 得奖电影:>(the Greatest Show on Earth) 就某方

High Noon:龙城歼霸战

[十月围城]旧元素新模式剧情 看完[十月围城]感到有两部片的痕迹,一是胡金铨的[龙门客栈],一是加利.古柏(Gary Cooper)主演的[龙城歼霸战](High Noon),剧情的外壳有点龙门客栈的味道,但[十月围城]的内容雕刻得较细致,

High Noon:正午(龙城歼霸战)

97. 8.2 1951 Strangers on a Train 列车上的陌生人(火车怪客) | 98. 8.2 1952 High Noon 正午(龙城歼霸战) | 99. 8.2 2003 Finding Nemo 海底总动员

High noon siesta:午间小憩

18 Happy night polka 欢乐夜晚波尔卡 | 19 High noon siesta 午间小憩 | 20 Tijuana polka提哇纳波尔卡

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