英语人>词典>英汉 : givenness的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Generally speaking, O has the characteristics of newness and prominence while O is characterized by givenness and determinateness.


I argue for a cognitive perspective of context in deciding on the givenness or newness of information in the course of communication.


Givenness' sums up the view that all experience is experience to someone, according to a particular manner of experiencing.

Giveness 认为根据一种特殊形式的经验,任何人的经验对某人而言都可以说是一种经验。

While agreeing with Halliday that the pattern of focus contributes to the creation of a meaningful text, I have pointed out the determination of the givenness of a piece of information is more difficult than it seems to be.


What does Husserl mean here by 'givenness' Gegebenheit0, the term which Heidegger characterized in his 1920 Freiburg lectures as the 'magic word' (Zauberwort of phenomenology, which, nevertheless, stands as a 'stumbling block' to others?

胡塞尔所指的 Giveness (这个单词最初是海德格尔于1920年在弗赖堡作讲座时提出的并被称为现象学的&魔法词&)成为其他人理解的障碍词。

更多网络解释与givenness相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

givenness hierarchy:知晓度等级

德尔菲法:analytic hierarchy process | 知晓度等级:givenness hierarchy | 柔性层次:Flexibility hierarchy

Vorgegebenheit prior givenness:在先被给予性

再造 Reproduktionreproduction 411 | 在先被给予性 Vorgegebenheit prior givenness 485 | 责任 Verantwortung responsibility 475

Senses as Modes of Givenness:给定模式的感觉

4. Kantian and Platonic Fragments 康德哲学和柏拉图哲学的残余 | 5. Senses as Modes of Givenness 给定模式的感觉 | Ⅱ. Semantics without Epistemology 无认识论的语义学