英语人>词典>英汉 : gelatin process的中文,翻译,解释,例句
gelatin process的中文,翻译,解释,例句

gelatin process

gelatin process的基本解释


更多网络例句与gelatin process相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And in heat treatment process,the gelatin 's color will turn pink to blue with adding the powder blue.


DSC-TGA image illustrates that 90% TCP was embedded inside the gelatin spheres through the emulsion process.


In the hands of a large number of pigs to contain collagen, in cooking gelatin into the process.


The present invention relates to gelatin preparation, and is especially the enzyme degradation process of preparing gelatin with bone collagen.


The blends of PE-g-MAH and gelatin were prepared by melting process and the compatibility of PE-g-MAH and gelatin in blends were characterized.


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gelatin process:胶版

gelatin paper 明胶纸 | gelatin process 胶版 | gelatin sponge 明胶海绵

gelatin process:明胶制版法

gelatin printing ==> 明胶版印刷,明胶复印 | gelatin process ==> 明胶制版法 | gelatin relief ==> 明胶浮雕

gelatin relief process:明胶凸版制版法

gelatin relief ==> 明胶浮雕 | gelatin relief process ==> 明胶凸版制版法 | gelatin sponge ==> 明胶海绵,海绵胶,胶海绵,胶棉球

gelatin duplicating process:明胶版复印纸

gasket~垫圈纸 | gelatin duplicating process~明胶版复印纸 | gelatine plate ~ 胶版纸

gelatin duplicating process paper:明胶版复印纸

gelatin dry filter 明胶滤色片 | gelatin duplicating process paper 明胶版复印纸 | gelatin duplicator 胶版复印机