英语人>词典>英汉 : for this purpose的中文,翻译,解释,例句
for this purpose的中文,翻译,解释,例句

for this purpose

for this purpose的基本解释

因此, 为此

更多网络例句与for this purpose相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The purpose of this study was to establish an efficient and stable gene transfer system for Phalaenopsis via pollen tube pathway. For this purpose, the growth and development of ovary and megaspore mother cell in Phalaenopsis was microscopically examined.


The bill of intermediation are, as the drawer, acceptor or indorser of the bill to sign, but that person does not receive value for this purpose, the purpose is to lend their names to others.


This same holy synod, mindful of this notorious vacancy in the Roman church, fixes and assigns the next ten days for all and singular cardinals of the holy Roman church, whether present here or absent, and the other electors mentioned above, to enter into the conclave which is to be held in this city of Constance, in the commune's principal building which has already been allocated for this purpose.

这同圣主教,铭记这一臭名昭著的空缺,在罗马教会,修补及受让人未来十天为所有与奇异枢机主教的神圣罗马教会,无论是在场或不在场,与其他选民如上所述,进入枢密就是被关押在这个城市的人Constance ,在公社的主体建筑已拨用于这一目的。

更多网络解释与for this purpose相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You Ruined My Cotillion On Purpose:你是故意破坏我的舞会的

You Tipped Off Gossip Girl.|是你发给绯闻少女的 | You Ruined My Cotillion On Purpose.|你是故意破坏我的舞会的 | You Did All This For Your Own Enjoyment|你这样都是为了自己开心

equally important:同样重要

然后 then | 同样重要 equally important | 为此 for this purpose


1.表示时间:now,then,suddenly,before,afterwards,later,so... | 2.表示空间顺序:first,secondly, far,above,below,near,beside,to the right,on one side... | 3.表示目的:for this purpose,for this reason,so that...