英语人>词典>英汉 : flash burn的中文,翻译,解释,例句
flash burn的中文,翻译,解释,例句

flash burn

flash burn的基本解释


更多网络例句与flash burn相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How do I get them off my 4 gb flash drive so I can burn them?

我要如何让他们从我4 GB的闪存驱动器,这样我就可以烧呢?

Just burn your Flash files to VCDs, SVCDs or DVDs and watch them on TV.

只是烧伤您的Flash文件,以光碟, svcds或DVD和观赏他们在电视上。

Methods Based on the psychological analysis of 46 patients with flash burn, individual psychological interventions were given timely and reasonably, the effect of the psychological nursing was assessed.


However, not everybody is careful with such things as celluloid masks and toys; these burn in a flash if you hold then near a flame.


The paper also shows the software design plans, which include algorithm procedure and its convertion to executable code in DSP system, the flash burn of the code and its bootload in DSP and the design of tracing software in computer.


更多网络解释与flash burn相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

flash burn:[原]闪光灼伤

GIT General Information Test 综合性情报试验 | flash burn [原]闪光灼伤 | rasse [动] 麝香猫, 小灵猫

flash burn:闪光灼伤

flash bulb 闪光灯泡 | flash burn 闪光灼伤 | flash gun 闪光枪

flash burn:电弧灼伤

flash arrester 火焰消除装置 | flash burn 电弧灼伤 | flash burning 闪燃

flash burn:灼傷(核爆)

flash blindness 閃光視盲 | flash burn 灼傷(核爆) | flasher unit 閃光燈組

thermal burn flash burn:热烧伤

thermal breeding 热中子增殖 | thermal burn flash burn 热烧伤 | thermal capacity 热容量

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