英语人>词典>英汉 : fissuration的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

fissuration [fiʃə'reiʃən]


裂开, [医] 裂隙形成

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Based on Gray Relevancy Theory and according to rock indexes obtained from Protodyakonove Coefficient Method,Rock Core Quality Index Method and Fissuration Coefficient Method,a model for assessment of rock body quality of mine is established.


Before fissuration, osmotic adjustment occurred by the addition of solute to cells and decreasing the loss of water in the body, so that it could maintain normal turgor pressure during drought. After fissurate growth, turgor pressure was maintained by higher cell and tissue elasticity lower ε(superscript max and by osmotic adjustment for normal plant development in dry conditions and to avoid dehydration under water stress during the drought period, but it also became more sensitive to water stress. The ability to maintain turgor pressure varied from strong to weak during the period before, during and after fissuration. Fissurate growth decreased the ability of P. mongolica to maintain turgor pressure and led to changes in walls related to drought tolerance.


It is an ancient species in its own genus and well-adapted to drought environments with fissurate growth and summer dormancy. Methods We selected Dengkou as our research site and collected three stages of P. mongolica (before, during and after fissuration) during August 1-5, 2002 and 2003. We used PV technique and measured several water relations parameters (φ,φ, ROWC, RWC,△(subscript φ),ε etc. in different stages of fissurate growth for comparison and analysis of drought tolerance and its mechanisms. Important findings Different stages of P. mongolica had different abilities and pathways to maintain turgor pressure. Fissurate growth decreased the species' drought tolerance and involved multiple adaptations to drought.

选取内蒙古磴口县境内具有绵刺群落的草原化荒漠区为研究样区,于2002~2003年每年8月1~5日采集未劈裂、正在劈裂和已劈裂植株,运用PV技术对不同劈裂生长状态绵刺的多种水分关系参数φ(下标 s、φ、ROWC、RWC、△、ε进行了测定,从绵刺保持膨压的能力和途径两方面进行了深入探讨;同时结合同一项目研究中绵刺劈裂生长过程中抗氧化酶系统和内源激素方面的研究成果,综合分析并探讨了绵刺劈裂生长的发生机理及其环境适应性。

Results: The degenerative changes were demonstrated in the knee joints injected with papain and L-cysteine, such as the lower activity scope of knee joint, thinner and worse articular cartilage, fissuration, fibrous degeneration, fibrillation and destroyed cartilage matrix.


更多网络解释与fissuration相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fissuration:裂开 裂隙形成

fissuratelodiencephalica 比沙氏裂 | fissuration 裂开 裂隙形成 | fissuratransversacerebri 大脑横裂


裂隙crannyfissuring | 裂隙形成fissuration | 裂隙羊膜schizamnion


First-rate 一级的,头等的 | Fissuration 形成裂纹,龟裂 | Fissure 裂缝,龟裂

Fissuration; Formation of fissures:裂隙形成; 裂开

Fissural angioma 胚裂血管瘤 | Fissuration; Formation of fissures 裂隙形成; 裂开 | Fissure of clitoris 阴蒂裂(创)