英语人>词典>英汉 : fast-footed的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与fast-footed相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The local phenomenon has fueled broader speculation among officials that the fast-footed wives may be part of a larger criminal ring.


It has put forth higher requirement news pictures management system under the demand of informatization,which therefore be fancied by folk for its great capacity of informations、fast-footed transmission、even more stronger to the econimic timeliness.


更多网络解释与fast-footed相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Life in the fast lane:刺激的生活(fast lane快车道)

14. off the top of one's head 不假思索,马上 | 15. life in the fast lane 刺激的生活(fast lane快车道) | 16. bow out 不干了,退出

hard and fast rules" = rigid rules:严格的规则

3. "Fast bind, fast find"=If you hide sth safely, no one can find it. (谚)藏得好,丢不了... | 4. "hard and fast rules" = rigid rules 严格的规则 | There are hard and fast rules in Army. 部队里有严格的制度...

[航海]牢牢地(搁浅);(=hard-and-fast)死板的 硬性的(规则等):hard and fast

try one's hard est 尽最大的努力 | hard and fast [航海]牢牢地(搁浅);(=hard-and-fast)死板的 硬性的(规则等), | a pretty hash of [美俚]一团糟