英语人>词典>英汉 : fair territory的中文,翻译,解释,例句
fair territory的中文,翻译,解释,例句

fair territory

fair territory的基本解释

界内地区, [体]界内场地

更多网络例句与fair territory相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the worst, I think the kind of competition routinely str ayed outside of fair territory, and there was kind of a win-at-all-costs menta lity that made life extraordinarily difficult.


The most common are (1) when the batter is hit by a pitched ball;(2) when a fielder mishandles a ball hit in fair territory and the batter reaches base safely as a result of the fielding mistake, known as an error;(3) when the catcher interferes with the batter's attempt to swing at the pitch; and (4) when the catcher drops a third strike and the batter reaches first base before a fielder tags the base or the batter.


These lines divide foul and fair territory.


The diamond is surrounded on two sides by the outfield which is fair territory, and on the other two sides by foul territory.


The playing area is divided into the infield and the outfield. Together, these two areas make up fair territory. The rest of the field is called foul territory.


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更多网络解释与fair territory相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fair territory:界内地区

如果击球员碰触了另一个击球员区小三角内的球,不管有意无意均判击球员出局. [24]:界内地区(Fair Territory) 从本垒经一、三垒边线其延长线直到挡墙或围网(包括垂直面的空间)以内的区域叫"界内地区". [25]:守场员(Fielder) 进行防守的任一队员叫"守场员".

fair territory:界内区

2.26 界内区 (FAIR TERRITORY) 从本垒右方一垒边线及左方三垒边线到全垒打墙以内的所有空间都是界内区,包括边线在内. 2.27 野手 (FIELDER) 系指防守的球员. 2.28 野手选择 (FIELDS CHOICE) 接住内野滚地球的野手不把球传向一垒刺杀打者,

fair territory:界内

外场 outfield | 界内 fair territory | 界外 foul territory

fair territory:界内地区的

outfield 外场的 | fair territory 界内地区的 | foul territory 界外地区的