英语人>词典>英汉 : eyeball character的中文,翻译,解释,例句
eyeball character的中文,翻译,解释,例句

eyeball character

eyeball character的基本解释

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更多网络例句与eyeball character相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:(1)Different dioptre caused different pathogenic rate;(2)The pathogenic rate of high glaucoma and myopia is higher than that of low myopia.Among them,34 cases were>-6D(79.07%),9 cases were <-5.75D(20.93%).(3)Increased tension of eyeball was the main character;(4)The optic disc was not regular;(5)Early glaucomatous structural change had high sensitivity.

结果:(1)43例患者不同的屈光度发病率不同;(2)高度近视青光眼发病率高于低度者,本组病例>-6D 34例,占79.07%;<-5.75D 9 例,占20.93%;(3)眼压升高是近视合并青光眼的主要特征;(4)视盘形态不规则较显著;(5)视网膜神经纤维层检查发现早期青光眼结构改变的敏感性很高。

Spinning is an unrestrained avant-garde work. It has a Fauvist wildness and challenges traditional ideas of painting. The yellow eyeball at the center gives a sharp focus to the visual tension of the painting. A vivid character expressed by heroic strokes illustrate the quickly changing scenery. It seems like a breath of fresh air into a stuffy room.


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