英语人>词典>英汉 : executive branch的中文,翻译,解释,例句
executive branch的中文,翻译,解释,例句

executive branch

executive branch的基本解释

[法] 行政部门

更多网络例句与executive branch相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our executive branch is not a committee of our legislative branch .


But the last thing we need is more Executive Branch power—especially in the hands of an economic ignoramus.

但最后一件事,我们需要的是更多的行政部门的权力-尤其是在手中的一个经济ignoramus 。

She has a wealth of experience in both the legislative and the executive branch.


Mr. Smith works in an executive branch of the government.


What is the executive branch of our government?


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更多网络解释与executive branch相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

executive branch:行政部门

与美国联邦政府的结构相似. 包括一个行政部门(Executive Branch)就是总揽运行情况和开发、...

executive branch:行政机构

其中在"统计"栏目中收录了1999年1月以来各月的统计数字,内容涉及人口就业、物价、外国投资、货币投放、股票价格、利率和汇率、商情指数、工业运转情况、批发和零售业指数、设备投资、基建投资、雇员家庭收入等英文统计资料;另外,通过"行政机构"(Executive Branch)的链接,可以访问总

executive branch:执行部门

ex post facto law:溯及既往的法律 (为宪法所禁止) | executive branch:执行部门 | farm bloc:国会里的农业集团

executive branch:行政体系

1 行政体系 Executive branch | 1.1 总统行政机关 Executive Offices of the President | 白宫总统通讯处 White House Office of Presidential Communications

Executive Branch Act:行政机关法

Estado Mayor Presidencial,总统府总参谋部,EMP, | Executive Branch Act,行政机关法,, | Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos de Guatemala,危地马拉被拘留失踪人士家属协会,,

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