英语人>词典>英汉 : end block的中文,翻译,解释,例句
end block的中文,翻译,解释,例句

end block

end block的基本解释

终端[接车, 到达]闭塞机, 块规

更多网络例句与end block相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the RPC, instead of normal concrete, is used in railway prestressed T beam. Both the ANSYS finite element model analysis and the theory analysis verify structure's credibility and design's rationality and feasibility, based on which to emphasize the research to the local stress of the end block.


First we give the analysis of the receiver front-end block diagram, link budget and specification allocation. Then, all the sub-circuits , including low noise amplifier, waveguide-to-microstrip transition , image reject band--pass filter, low-pass filter, and sub-harmonic mixer , are described in details.


Ten alleles sequenced had the same modular structure, starting with a repeat block of Type 3 followed by a block of Type 1 before the central block of Type 3 (313) at 5'end, and starting with a repeat block of Type 4 followed by the central repeat block of Type 3 (43) at 3'end.

另一种为新发现的变异核心序列,暂命名为7型(type 7)。10个等位基因具有相同的模块结构,在5'端表现为:3型一1型--3型(313)排列,在3'端则表现为:4型一3型(43)排列。

更多网络解释与end block相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

end of block character:塊結束字元

位址結束 end of address,EOA | 塊結束字元 end of block character | 塊結束 end of block,EOB

double-end block plane:双向刨

double-edge milling cutter 二面刃铣刀 | double-end block plane 双向刨 | double-end knife colter 翻换式直犁刀

double-end knife colter:翻换式直犁刀

double-end block plane ==> 双向刨 | double-end knife colter ==> 翻换式直犁刀 | double-end mill ==> 双端铣刀