英语人>词典>英汉 : end artery的中文,翻译,解释,例句
end artery的中文,翻译,解释,例句

end artery

end artery的基本解释

[医] 终动脉

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Then hypodesis was exercised to the proximal end and canoula was performed to the distal end of the femoral artery to perfuse 50 mL/ Krebs balanced solution into it for 15 min; As for the femoral vein, hypodesis was performed to the proximal end and canoula to the distal end to perfuse ink into it until the skin of lower extremity turned to black.

随机选取1只家犬解剖股动脉和股静脉,将股动脉近端结扎,远端插管,以Krebs平衡液以50 mL/流量灌流15 min,结扎股静脉近端,远端插管。

At the 28th day, tenuity of distal end of pulmonary artery, decrease of the branches, and thickness of proximal end of pulmonary artery were observed.


Blood samples from vein and artery end of the filter, plasma-based dialysate from entry and exit of the filter and ultrafiltrate were taken at 5 min(T0), 2 h (T1), 4 h (T2) and 6 h (T3) during HD-PBD and 5 min(t0), 6 h (t1), 12 h (t2) and 24 h (t3) during HVHF. Bilirubin levels of dialysate, ultrafiltrate and plasma were measured and quantity of serum bilirubin removed by extracorpomal circulation was calculated.

分别在HD-PBD治疗5 min(T0)、2 h(T1)、4 h(T2)和6 h(T3)及HVHF治疗5 min(t0)、6 h(t1)、12 h(t2)和24 h(t3)取滤器动脉端和静脉端血液,流入端和流出端透析液及滤出液,测定各时间点标本胆红素水平,并用公式计算其体外清除量。

Objective To analyse the hemodynamic changes of ocular fundus arteriosclerosisvia detecting supratrochlear artery which was the end branch of ophthalmic artery at supraorbital foramen.

目的 通过对位于眼眶内上缘的眼动脉终末支-滑车上动脉的彩色多普勒超声检测,分析眼底动脉硬化患者的血流动力学改变。

The main pathogenesis of arterial gas embolism is the obstructive effect of gas bubble in the end artery leading to tissue hypoxia and ischemia.


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end artery:终动脉

encystment 孢囊形成 | end artery 終動脈 | end body 終體;補體