英语人>词典>英汉 : enclosure wall的中文,翻译,解释,例句
enclosure wall的中文,翻译,解释,例句

enclosure wall

enclosure wall的基本解释


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Research purposes:The views are expresses on the issues for caution in design of connecting cingulum window and wind resisting column with room s roof truss to the enclosure wall and the sketches of carrier pile s are presented for design of the foundation of garbage disposal plant for the purpose of providing the references to design of similar building structure.


The slits which have been created parametrically open the enclosure of the reinforced concrete wall.


Platform in the Garden, the glass curtain wall enclosure useful poolside lounges and coffee shops, where Jimuyuantiao, we hope that not many of Yunshan, continuous flow of water-long, can also see the new Tianhe District wide vertical and horizontal The road, row upon row of tall buildings, the emerging new landscape, you could not help but be amazed beautiful Heshan city of Guangzhou City Construction and rapid changes!


The result is a delicate balance between the slat wall enclosure and the swaying trees.


On the safe side, we should use active soil pressure and passive soil pressure to calculate the support strength before T increased. That is RA=EA-EP Among them: RA ………… holding strength EA ………… composite force of active soil pressure EP ………… composite force of passive soil pressure Immediately, flexural torque distribution of enclosure wall can be counted. Mmax is the location of shear force zero. Equivalence beam method abridges. No matter which kind of supporting structure form, the key problem lies in the establishment depth of catch point, severity of support and enclosure wall, penetration depth and pit bottom quality of soil property.

单道锚杆支护结构计算分别采用静力平衡法及等值梁法,根据试算法插入深度t值需先进行假定墙的插入深度确定后来计算支撑力,为了安全起见,可按插入深度增大前的主动与被动土压力合力计算支撑力即 RA=EA-EP 式中:RA …………支撑力 EA …………主动土压力合力 EP …………被动土压力合力随之可求围护墙的弯矩分布,Mmax为剪力为零点的位置,等值梁法的计算略述。

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enclosure wall:围墙

enclosure 围墙 | enclosure wall 围墙 | end 终止

enclosure wall:围护墙,围墙

close up 围护 | enclosure wall 围护墙,围墙 | fender post 围护桩,码头堤岸护舷桩,防撞柱

common enclosure wall:公用围墙

common corridor 公用走廊 | common enclosure wall 公用围墙 | common ownership 同一拥有权

common enclosure wall:公用围墙sBs中国学习动力网

common corridor 公用走廊sBs中国学习动力网 | common enclosure wall 公用围墙sBs中国学习动力网 | common ownership 同一拥有权sBs中国学习动力网

fence wall, enclosure wall:围墙

围护结构||building envelope, enclosure | 围墙||fence wall, enclosure wall | 维护费用||maintenance cost

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