英语人>词典>英汉 : doxastic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

doxastic [dɔks'æstik]



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And to do that is impossible; we can only argue for the uniqueness of a conceptual or doxastic framework on the basis of our own concepts and beliefs.


According to the properties of dynamic doxastic logic and stable sets, we built a DDL system for revision on stable sets; model completeness has been proved there.


Some theorists tried to place epistemic or doxastic restrictions on the scope of the laws, arguing that they enjoined and protected only those who held certain beliefs.


Crucially, however, this kind of "doxastic" counterexample would be very different from the kind of epistemically motivated counterexamples that are at issue in the contemporary skeptical debate, and thus it is best to keep them apart.


And to do that, says Stephan Kǒrner, is impossible: we can only argue for the uniqueness of a conceptual or doxastic framework on the basis of our own concepts and beliefs.42 Secondly, as Robert Stern puts it, if indispensability is weaker than infallibility in so far as it leaves open the possibility that our belief that p is false, how can p be immune from doubt?


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doxastic state:信念状态

double blind 双无知/双盲 | doxastic state 信念状态 | dualism 二元论