英语人>词典>英汉 : dissimilate的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

dissimilate [di'simileit]

第三人称单数:[dissimilates]  动词过去式:[dissimilated]  过去分词:[dissimilated]  现在分词:[dissimilating]  




更多网络例句与dissimilate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The weakened tones and atonic syllable is reflected differently in the Tails In order to show the property of its original tone, weakened tones will dissimilate so as to restore its pitch to a certain degree, causing adjoining syllables' pitch antithesis to differ.


And its core and periphery tend to divide, transform, and dissimilate.


If the media power is properly put to use, it will be a kind of motivation that benefits the social development; but if it is not restricted and self- disciplined, it may tend to dissimilate itself.


The People-oriented thought prominent that officials are concerned about people, while the democratic thought makes widely known that the people constrain officials. The democratic system without the support of the People-oriented thought is very easy to dissimilate for the tyranny of the majority of people, while the People-oriented thought without the guarantee of democratic system is easy to evolve for the official gift to the people.


It is historically proved that the power of punishment must dissimilate into an instrument by which the state can rudely rule all citizens including suspects,defendants and criminals if it cannot be restricted and limited.Therefore,whether the power of punishment can be effectively restricted or not is an important symbol of whether a state realizes rule of law.


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更多网络解释与dissimilate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dissimilarly 不同地 | dissimilate 变得不同 | dissimilation 异化


dissimilarly 相异地 | dissimilate 使变得不同 | dissimilationheterization 异化


assimilate 使相同 | dissimilate 使不同 | similar 相似

dissimilate:变得不同 (动)

dissimilarity 不同; 相异; 相异点 (名) | dissimilate 变得不同 (动) | dissimilation 异化; 异化作用 (名)

similar, assimilate, dissimilate, facsimile:相似, 相同

172. rur-, rus- countryside 农村 rural | 173. simil-, simul- like 相似, 相同 similar, assimilate, dissimilate, facsimile | 174. sol- sun 太阳 solar, insolation