英语人>词典>英汉 : disported的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] disport的过去分词


玩耍, 娱乐


玩耍, 娱乐



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They disported themselves with the shattered pigeon-house, the broken weathercock, the loose tiles, and unshapely chimneys; they rattled at the window-panes, and whistled in the crevices; they mocked the feeble building from foundation to roof, and battered and banged and tormented it in their fierce gambols, until it trembled and rocked with the force of their rough play.


Straightway they got them to bed, as was their wont; and, while they there solaced and disported them together, it so befell that Tancred awoke, and heard and saw what they did: whereat he was troubled beyond measure, and at first was minded to upbraid them; but on second thoughts he deemed it best to hold his peace, and avoid discovery, if so he might with greater stealth and less dishonour carry out the design which was already in his mind.


He disported among books, radio and tape recorder


The manuscripts, even those which lack pictures, have at least ornamented initial letters, which in the earlier examples are very simple, but in course of time became surrounded with foliage, in the midst of which animals or small figures disported themselves.


During those centuries, the Chinese central government had notinvolved themselves in the internal affairs of the disported, FeudalTheocracy of Tibet. After 1959, however, the central governmentabolished all privileges of the Tibetan Theocracy once and for all. Anextensive land reform was enacted, providing former slaves theirhomeland to till. Livestock breading and herding was encouraged and neweconomy built. For the first time in history, the majority of theTibetans wave to take on tour their lives and decide their own destiny.
