英语人>词典>英汉 : disorderly conduct的中文,翻译,解释,例句
disorderly conduct的中文,翻译,解释,例句

disorderly conduct

disorderly conduct的基本解释

[法] 扰乱社会治安行为, 不规矩的行为

更多网络例句与disorderly conduct相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

People of disorderly conduct often have to regret in future.


But I think I would also like to Edison than bad, because I really disorderly conduct in public spots.


Well, that was it, she crossed the line there, so I cuffed her and arrested her for disorderly conduct and took her in.


This means that in the absence of external factors, the market groups and disorderly conduct resulting from fluctuations in the price.


He was arrested for disorderly conduct in the street.


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更多网络解释与disorderly conduct相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

disorderly conduct:妨碍治安行为

胡锦涛则通情达理地接受了布什的道歉. 威尔德介绍说,在随后进行的几个小时的会晤中,都没有再提到抗议事件. 特工局发言人麦克金(Jim Mackin)说,这名抗议者已被指控犯有妨碍治安行为(disorderly conduct),同时也在考虑对其提出恐吓或扰乱外国官员的罪名.

disorderly conduct:违纪行为

29.Two blondes hunting两个金发女人打猎 | 30.DiSOrderly conduct违纪行为 | 31.Anv last requests?有临终请求吗?

disorderly conduct:妨害治安行为

dismiss 换...的班 | disorderly conduct 妨害治安行为 | disparity pay 附加工资

disorderly conduct:扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨

dismiss without prejudice 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) | disorderly conduct 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 | dissident 异议人士,持不同政见者 异议人士,持不同政见者

personnel, disorderly conduct by:由人员引起的混乱施工

personnel and equipment, records of contractor's 承包商人员设备的记录 | personnel, disorderly conduct by 由人员引起的混乱施工 | personnel, insurance for contractor's 业主为人员投保的保险

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