英语人>词典>英汉 : dictyosome的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

dictyosome ['diktiəusəm]


[生](分散)高尔基体, 网体

更多网络例句与dictyosome相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The term dictyosome is little used today.


The thylakoid of chloroplast was lost, the chloroplast was shrinked and composed into several discontinuous parts, which suggest that the function of chloroplast was destroyed;(2) the cell wall was thickened clearly, plasmolysis was found in most of Platymanas subcordiformis cells;(3) the number of mitochondria increased, some cristae of mitochondria were dissolved;(4) the number of vacuolar increased and the size of vacuolar was not uniform, the shape was deformed;(5) the nucleus was deformed and part of the nucleus membrane was dissolved;(6) Golgi dicytosomes accompanied with a loose arrangement of cisternae and the peripheral tips of the dictyosome cisternae are not especially swollen.


In the normal group, electron microscopy showed normal chondrocytes were oval, and cells and cell membrane were intact. In cytoplasm, there were abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosome, and mitochondria with intact nucleus, and even chromatin. In the model group, chondrocytes exhibited obvious pyknosis and their shape was irregular. The areolae around cells disappeared; cell organs in cytoplasm coagulated to flaps which showed electron dense and was uneasy to observe; the shape of nucleus showed irregularity, and caryotin gathered densely.


The transmition elec-microcope observation indicated that kangshuai Ⅰ prescription can chang the ultramicro fabric of nerve cell in quatar CA1 in hippocampus of the model rats by affecting the cell organs such as karyon、rough endoplasmic reticulum 、chondriosome、dictyosome and lipofuscin, which has similar effect with the original prescription.


更多网络解释与dictyosome相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


A.W.Perroncito(1910)将这种小体起名为分散型高尔基体(dictyosome). 后来用电子显微镜观察,了解到这种小体是由5-10个直径为0.5-1微米的圆盘状扁平囊重叠而成的. 另外,用电子显微镜观察,证明在植物细胞中大多数也存在着同样的分散型高尔基体.


dicoumarin 双羟香豆素,败坏翘摇素 | dictyosome (分散)高尔基体 | dictyostelium 盘基网柄菌属,网柄菌属


Golgi complex 高尔基复合体 | dictyosome [分散]高尔基体指植物中分散的高尔基体. | vesicle 小泡


\\"网体活动\\",\\"dictyokinesis\\" | \\"网体\\",\\"dictyosome\\" | \\"二胚虫科\\",\\"DICYEMIDAE\\"

dictyosome,Golgi apparatus:网状,高基体

\\"牛肺虫\\",\\"Dictyocaulis viviparus\\" | \\"网状,高基体\\",\\"dictyosome,Golgi apparatus\\" | \\"有双子宫的\\",\\"didelphic,didelphous\\"

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