英语人>词典>英汉 : deus ex machina的中文,翻译,解释,例句
deus ex machina的中文,翻译,解释,例句

deus ex machina

deus ex machina的基本解释


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Deus Ex Machina: What do you want?


Deus ex Machina is Latin for "a god from a machine."


Mr Carville, known for his witty tongue and take-no-prisoners style, would have been happy to play the role of a deus ex machina.


As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight.


Assuming no Chinese deus ex machina appears, the administration will be left with diplomacy.


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更多网络解释与deus ex machina相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deus ex machina:机器神

这其中有文化沿袭的原因,也有思维惯性的因素(此前公案小说中基于"机器神"(deus ex machina)式的解救方式成为一种文化传统,因此也形成一种阅读与道德的期待).

deus ex machina:机械之神

侦探片Detective Films | 机械之神Deus ex Machina | 对白Dialogue

deus ex machina:解围的人或事件

deurbanize 失去都市特色 | deus ex machina 解围的人或事件 | deuteragonist 配角

deus ex machina:神的不确定音

前往调律的门扉-Twin Music- | 神的不确定音-Deus Ex Machina- | 遥远的彼方-Time Enough For Love-

The deus ex machina? The god machine:神之机器

Aren't we forgetting|about the miracle of storytelling?|我们忘记了讲故事的奇妙之处吗? | The deus ex machina? The god machine?|神之机器? | That's what saved the rabbits.|这救了兔子一命

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