英语人>词典>英汉 : dentation的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

dentation [den'teiʃən]


齿状, 齿状突起

更多网络例句与dentation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to improve the accuracy and comparability of hardness and elastic modulus measurements in nanoin- dentation, an evaluation of the creep behavior and its influence on the mechanical properties of the electrode- posited nickel film has been conducted.


Within last few years particularly, the our country electric power in- dentation extends year by year, already serious check and supervision at development of each profession even affects the residents normal to use the electricity.


In 0~2 cm group,the anastomosis site was 0~2 cm beside the dentation line. Compared the clinical information such as local recurrence,survival rate,anal function of two groups.

与同期26例吻合口距齿状线0~2 cm(0~2 cm组)进行比较,对2组生存率、局部复发率、肛门节制大便功能等进行评价。

In dentation line group, 21 cases whose tumour leave dentation line less than 3cm treated by dentation line anastomosis.


In the antiquity and continuity of the dominion the memories and causes of innovations are extinguished; for one change always leaves a dentation for the building of another.

这种 统治历史久远,绵延不绝,其中也有过变革的记忆和动机,但都已烟消云散,因为一次变革总是为另一次变革的酝酿留下一道齿状墙。

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更多网络解释与dentation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dentation:齿状, 齿状突起

supply cager 井筒运料工长 | dentation 齿状, 齿状突起 | dogtooth 犬齿, 犬牙, [建筑]齿饰, 犬牙饰


dentate 有齿的 | dentation 齿状 | dentelated 有斑纹的


dentation 齿状 | dentation 齿状突起 | denter 穿筘刀


dentatedsill齿槛 齿形槛 齿形消力槛 | dentation生齿 | dentatorubralfibres齿状红核纤维

rough dentation:犬牙交错

rough criterion 粗糙判据 | rough dentation 犬牙交错 | rough determination 粗略测定

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