英语人>词典>英汉 : demystification的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

demystification [di:,mistifi'keiʃən]


非神秘化启蒙, 启发

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Demystification and/or decriminalization of some laws against marijuana and other drugs.


In Chapter Two, the author attempts to set up the historical and cultural framework for the demystification of the myth of the South and the myth of Southern ladyhood in the special historical context, by the use of two influential theoretical terms in contemporary cultural studies, the concepts of myth in modern sense and Foucault's power relation.


In other words, a mythological doxa has been created: denunciation, demystification, has itself become discourse, stock of phrases, catechistic declaration; in the face of which, the science of the signifier can only shift its place and stop further on - no longer at the dissociation of the sign but at its very hesitation: it is no longer the myths which need to be unmasked (the doxa now takes care of that), it is the sign itself which must be shaken; the problem is not to reveal the meaning of an utterance, of a trait, of a narrative, but to fissure the very representation of meaning, is not to change or purify the symbols but to challenge the symbolic itself.


The structure and contents are as following:Part One: Firstly definite the notion of the government information and the ways of demystification, which distinguish from the relevant systems. Secondly put emphasis on analyses of the theory base of systems of demystifying governmentinformation from the point of jurisprudence and Constitution of China.


However, the lagging of ideas and the default of the systems cause many problems in the institutions of demystification of government information.


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Deep-structure深层结构 | Demystification非神话化 | Denudation剥离