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The combinatorial and delimitative algorithm of engineering structure design with different discrete set and its software system is introduced in this paper.

引 言 离散变量优化设计是指在优化设计过程中,设计变量的取值不是在某一范围内连续变化而是只能取某些符合一定条件的离散值。

The combinatorial and delimitative algorithm can be used to solve the problem. A software called "Power Discrete" to implement this algorithm is developed by using Microsoft Visual6.0. It is a useful tool for linear programming problem with discrete variables and for discrete optimum design of structures, and in addition, the software also includes other algorithms such as genetic algorithm.

在国际上, 20世纪 60年代末期和 70年代初期,研究人员已开始对工程离散变量优化设计问题进行研究,但由于当时对于连续变量的非线性规划问题的研究还不够深入,所以在 70年代和80年代,研究的重点集中于连续变量的非线性规划问题。

discrete variable ; linear transform ; delimitative and combinatorial algorithm

经过 20多年的努力,连续变量非线性规划问题的研究取得了重大的进展,因此,近几年来

更多网络解释与delimitative相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

delimitative function:分界功能

delimitation 劃界 | delimitative function 分界功能 | demarcative function 分界功能