英语人>词典>英汉 : declinable的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

declinable [di'klainəbl]



更多网络例句与declinable相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The society uses value ratio value or its change a form more complex, more appearance, more changeful, it is the dominant element with declinable market price.


The demand with every investor diverse basis is declinable to prospective value the different risk that anticipate and differs bears force, usable to this probability theory and financial price are academic, the futures price with current foundation, all sorts of differring the period authority price that knocks a price, and the risk of investor bears force and walk along the estimation of situation to the price, find out best investment combination.


It is one of the items that the learner's acquisition 'NI''WO' is difficult because two or more meaning functions are provided in the case-marking particle, and a similar meaning function is provided in two or more case-marking particles, and the author also shade inside gropes for a better guidance method every day though the case-marking particle has been introduced from the beginner's class stage on a Japanese educational site assuming that it co-occurs with the declinable word.


更多网络解释与declinable相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


declension 格变化 | declinable 格变化的 | declination 偏差


declension (名詞,代詞,形容詞)詞尾變化;變格 | declinable 可變格 | decline (名詞,代詞,形容詞)語尾變化;變格

declinable:格变化的 (形)

declension 词尾变化; 倾斜; 格变化 (名) | declinable 格变化的 (形) | declination 下倾, 衰微, 倾斜 (名)