英语人>词典>英汉 : dealing in securities的中文,翻译,解释,例句
dealing in securities的中文,翻译,解释,例句

dealing in securities

dealing in securities的基本解释


更多网络例句与dealing in securities相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Chinese government permit the following activities: Chinese commercial banks may accept guarantee provided by foreign shareholders; foreign invested enterprises may apply to designated Chinese banks dealing in foreign exchange business within the territory of China for Renminbi loans using foreign exchange collateral securities; special industrial investment fund may be set up to buffer insufficient equity capital from the Chinese side when increasing investment in an invested enterprise; Chinese commercial banks may issue equity loans to Chinese shareholders meeting clearly-defined conditions.


The Chinese government permit the following activities: Chinese commercial banks may accept guarantee provided by fo'reign shareholders; fo'reign invested enterprises may apply to designated Chinese banks dealing in fo'reign exchange business within the territo'ry of China fo'r Renminbi loans using fo'reign exchange collateral securities; special industrial investment fund may be set up to buffer insufficient equity capital from the Chinese side when increasing investment in an invested enterprise; Chinese commercial banks may issue equity loans to Chinese shareholders meeting clearly-defined conditions.


In ChapterⅡ,thehistorical origin and provisions of the law of the securities' insider tradingin the U.S.A.are outlined and then the foundations of the liability areanalyzed in theory and process.In ChapterⅢ,the main contents of the In-sider Dealing Directive adopted by the EC in 1989 are presented,and itsshortcoming and lacunas are analyzed critically.


更多网络解释与dealing in securities相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arm's length dealing:正常交易

172arbitrage in securities套购证券 | 173arm's length dealing正常交易 | 174arm's length price公平价格

dealing in listed securities:港- 上市證券的交易

dealing in gold options 兩- 黃金期權買賣 台- 黃金選擇權買賣 | dealing in listed securities 港- 上市證券的交易 | dealing in securities 兩- 證券交易;證券買賣