英语人>词典>英汉 : custard-pie的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与custard-pie相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rough eight bowl is fried shrimp, fish slipped, meat ball, fish cooked in soy and vinegar Waterloo, boil for a short time white meat strips, Benedict gluten, roast pork, fried meatball, meat, such as pine Selected portfolio; fine炒青shrimp from eight bowl, two chicken cooked in soy and vinegar silk, burning three-wire, the whole stew, Crab custard, cucumber ball, bullions meat, chicken broth, chicken cooked in soy and vinegar demolished home boiled fish, mushrooms, etc. Second slip Selected formed; high eight bowl is by the shark four silk, Yipin Officer Yan, shark family blocks,桂花鱼bone, shrimp custard, oil slide covered, burning scallops, scallops four-wire,寿字meat, meat and other hi word combination of.


The biscuits, called Me Sarang Custard, are sold under the label of a popular South Korean confectioner called Haitai but are produced in China.

这种饼干名为 Me Sarang Custard的饼干,使用在韩国流行的Haitai糖果品牌,但是制造地在中国。

One of the more unusual Chinese desserts, this fried custard is made with ...


更多网络解释与custard-pie相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Annonaceae ; custard apple family:番荔枝科

番荔枝(嶺南雜記)(圖考)(府志);釋迦果(府志)(H.F.);番梨(府志)(H.F.) Annona squamosa L. ; custard apple scaly apple ; sugar apple ; swee... | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae ; custard apple family | 番荔枝目 Annonales

Vanilla Cup Custard:香草杯子雞蛋布丁

覆盆子餡 Raspberry Crem | 香草杯子雞蛋布丁 Vanilla Cup Custard | 巧克力杯子雞蛋布丁 Chocolate Cup Custard

Chocolate Cup Custard:巧克力杯子雞蛋布丁

香草杯子雞蛋布丁 Vanilla Cup Custard | 巧克力杯子雞蛋布丁 Chocolate Cup Custard | 麵包布丁 Bread Pudding