英语人>词典>英汉 : crutching的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

crutching ['krʌtʃiŋ]


[变形] crutch的现在分词


[兽]防蝇去毛, [纺]结块污毛, [pl. ](剪毛前)羊身除下的粪污碎毛

更多网络例句与crutching相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ying crutching's translation of theatrical plays is very unique, because spoken language, brevity and characterization in his translations are very suitable for performance, while at the same time the translations achieve the goal of cultural exchange between the east and the west.


Handrail is a kind of assistant establishment to help handicapped people crutching their bodies and leading their steeped, and it also can avoid some dangerous. Handrail is useful for healthiness too.


The crutching and walking function of the leg reconstructed at last Conclusion When all the necrotic intermuscular vessels and muscles except caput mediale of gastrocnemius were removed, the necmsis may be delayed by means of reticular collateral circulation among skin, deep and superficial fascia and tibia of the injured limb. However, the blood supply is very little, the severe ischemia wound and ischemia pain can't be healed.


更多网络解释与crutching相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crutching:防蝇去毛结块污毛 (剪毛前)羊身除下的粪污碎毛

crutched | 用拐杖支持的, 有丁字形柄的, 有支柱的 | crutching | 防蝇去毛结块污毛 (剪毛前)羊身除下的粪污碎毛 | crux of the matter | 问题的关键