英语人>词典>英汉 : cruise missile的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cruise missile的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cruise missile

cruise missile的基本解释


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The research result will have an essential effect on the development of cruise missile in our country.


If it is your time, love will track you down like a cruise missile.


China is also reported to be working on a land-attack cruise missile to be mounted on the vessel.


Many girls have no idea what a cruise missile is.


The simulation results indicate that this method is helpful in confirmation and improvement of cruise missile dynamics model and control system.


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cruise missile:巡航导弹

[简介]巡航导弹(cruise missile) 巡航导弹(cruise missile) 时间:2008-08-30 21:32:24 来源:互联网 浏览次数:0 巡航在海湾战争中,美军从军舰和飞机上向伊拉克军事目标发射300多枚巡航导弹,对战争的进程发挥了 重要作用,受到世人瞩目.

cruise missile:巡弋飞弹

A.巡弋飞弹(Cruise missile)B.弹道飞弹(Ballistic missile)但是不论是甚麼卫星系统,卫星本身的电力供应很小(通常最高也只有三、四千瓦特). 想想看,YST 每天早上吹头发的吹风机所用的电力就需要一千五百瓦特,

cruise missile:巡弋导弹

work with 与谁合作,与谁一起工作 | cruise missile 巡弋导弹 | dominant 举足轻重的

cruise missile:巡曳飞弹

Transport Helicopter 运输直升机 | Cruise Missile 巡曳飞弹 | Nuclear Missile 核子飞弹

Tomahawk cruise missile:战斧"巡航导弹

据悉,这种导弹最高速度可达2.8马赫,比美国制造的亚音速"战斧"巡航导弹(Tomahawk cruise missile)的速度快大约3倍. 中国与印度度都认为,俄罗斯的装备质量很不稳定. 在今年1月印度首次在"泊克兰试射场" (the Pokhran) 试射"布拉莫斯"导弹时,

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