英语人>词典>英汉 : contabescence的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

contabescence [,kɔntə'besns]


衰亡, 憔悴

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The basal geomorphology structure of the Tidal-Basin System of the Tiaozini Sandbanks is watershed and tidal creek system. We analyses its formation, evolvement, geomorphology characters and development and discusses the main influence factors which is water, sediment and space. We divide the evolution phases which is formation phase, autumn phase and contabescence phase. In the end we confirms its main functions, which is discharging the folium water on the tidal flat of the Tidal-Basin in the end of the ebb-tide, transporting sediment to Tidal-Basin through tidal creek systems, confining the swing range of the dynamical axis of flood tide or ebb tide, balancing the dynamical status of the South and North. At the same time, we compare coastal tidal-basin and sandbanks tidal-basin on geomorphology characters, formation causes, style and so on.


The Taliban had come through a course that from rising and development to contabescence.


Not only the matter was too complicated to solve in a day, for it concerned with prosperity and contabescence of the nation, also it had certain necessity to exist because it came from a special society and history period.


On the bases of nutrients dynamics and food chain principles, Red tide nutrients dynamic model describes the process of propagation and contabescence on red tide.


Nucleic acids are the basic ingredient of all the biologic cells and they have an important function in life processes, such as growth, propagation, descendiblity and contabescence.


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consumptive 消费的 | contabescence 衰亡 | contact flight 目视飞行


consumptive /消费的/浪费的/消耗性的/肺病患者/ | contabescence /雄蕊萎缩/ | contactbreaker /断触器/

contabescence:衰亡, 憔悴

consutrode melting | 自耗电极熔化 | contabescence | 衰亡, 憔悴 | contact adsorption | 接触吸附